Informative speech on football concussions books

It is caused by either a direct blow to the head or to another body region resulting in an abrupt acceleration andor deceleration of the craniocervical complex. Yet he is one of the most inaccurate prognosticators and most ambiguous there is. Whats a good informative speech topic about football. The league and its leaders which would obviously include tagliabue and goodell certainly knew about the dangers of football including the risks of things like concussions, dementia including earlyonset dementia and cte. In a number of highprofile cases, head injuries of professional. In his quest for answers about his condition he came upon a startling reality. The age that people can get them is also getting lower and lower. Informative speech nfl concussions essay 792 words. Concussions are the most common injury in the sport of football. What informative speaking is how to choose a focused informative topic, how to conduct a research and informative outline.

Concussions can occur with a blow to the head through helmet to helmet contact, and if undiagnosed and left untreated can lead to permanent brain damage. Selfconfidence, selfawareness, selftalk, selfesteem, selfefficiency. Head games might be the single thing that assured me i was going to college for the right reasons. Informative speech outline essay example studymoose. Bennet omalu who studied repeated sports head injuries in professional football players, the movie brought into light some effects of.

The national football leagues nfl concussion rates are rising very rapidly, causing the league to increase protocol to provide better protection for players. Described as the single most important issue in sports today, concussions are widespread and devastating. Robert cantu, a neurosurgeon at boston university and a leading expert in sportsrelated head injuries, attended the speech and said the n. Well chapter contents the creative process for informative speaking. This number does not even take into account college and professional football players. My creative attention getter will be playing a video with some hard helmettohelmet hits in the nfl 2. Parents, coaches and players must all be mindful of concussions. Sportsrelated concussion src, as defined by the 3 rd international conference on concussion in sport, is a complex pathophysiological process affecting the brain, induced by traumatic biomechanical forces. Books and information on effects of mild brain injury and concussion in adults concussion is the most common type of brain injury but there is nothing mild about it. Books on mild brain injury and concussion in adults. This is because there is evidence that underlying brain functions continue to be impaired even after reported clinical symptoms of concussion are goneadirim. The dangers of professional football is a hot topic. This web page provides a list of resources to help students write a research paper, report, or essay on the dangers of concussions and chronic traumatic encephalopathy, also known as cte.

A good informative speech features a topic that should be fun and interesting, and one that makes it easier to capture the audiences attention. Although the athletes may not be aware of it now due to their love for the game, they may be at risk for degenerative brain diseases known. Benefits of sports informative speech linkedin slideshare. Here you will find a list of good informative speech topics. As more and more football players suffer from multiple concussions during their football career, coaches and trainers are becoming more aware of the growing problem. The three areas in which concussions affect players mentally, emotionally, and physically. Over the past decade, the number of diagnosed concussions in and out of sports settings has increased, most. The vast majority of sportsrelated tbis are concussions.

Learn about the speech concussion legacy foundation. The focus of this book is on football players and head concussions. Introduction a concussions are happening more often in sports. The speaker should provide unique insights and explore interesting implications. A recent study found the top ten reasons why athletes dont report possible concussions. Speech titles concussions in football specific purpose. Nostradamus is often quoted, for example, in books and shows. They dont just occur in football and boxing, concussions are commonly seen in baseball, basketball, and soccer too. Sports and its benefits amity international business school. Football is a hardhitting sport and can cause concussions, head injuries, and even permanent brain damage. Concussions in football harvard health blog harvard.

Concussions outline outline general topic concussions. Free concussions and the national football league nfl essay. To inform my audience about the physical, mental, and psychological effects from suffering a concussion so that they may be educated and prepared if they ever experience concussion symptoms speech title. Injuries sustained to those that would play football, the recovery process, and if there is a noticeable difference in these athletes that sustained the injuries after they recovered. Free essays on head injuries and concussions in youth. A neuropsychology and speech therapy approach presentation developed and led by alison h. With this being said, memory loss is a huge factor for this generation.

Some people will say, they know what theyre signing up for or the players choose to play the game. Boys start playing at the age of 6 and, if they turn pro, could play into their 30s or even 40s. A possible introductory paragraph with thesis statement and outline are provided. Nationally, over 300,000 individuals suffer from a sports related concussion. What follows is 12 hooks that will grab your audiences attentionand keep it.

Im doing a speech on the effects of concussions and how. Recently concussions have been getting more attention from doctors and team trainers due to increased awareness, but more still needs to be done to protect young athletes. Big football collisions could cause concussions, future brain damage, and other injuries. Fourth down and inches carla killough mcclafferty carolrhoda books, a division of lerner publishing group, inc. Mcclafferty uses numbers of deaths and injuries in a far from boring style. Each year, over 40,000 high school football players suffer from a concussion due to the sport. According to, an informative speech is one that is written to present fascinating and useful information to increase the knowledge of your audience. Concussions have become more and more of a problem in the last few years. The chapter also contains how to organize the body, introduction, and conclusion of the informative speech. I recently watched the movie, concussion, starring will smith was an enlightening and influential film. When choosing one of the good informative speech topics, choose to fit your audience. Informative speech on concussions in conclusion procedures have gotten better but still an issue, not all solved only prevented sports, trainers, and doctors are better with handling the situation symptoms in 190005 there were 45 deaths sports related to concussions solutions. These injuries can have terribly debilitating effects.

An introduction to sports concussions pubmed central pmc. Concussions and our kids is the first prescriptive book of its kind to address the issue of head trauma in sports and to offer guidelines for playing sports safely. The team up speak up speech is designed to create a positive concussion culture so that athletes are comfortable speaking up when they suspect a teammate has a concussion. After multiple concussions in the season of 2010 the nfl started fining defensive players for making head to head collisions with the offensive players. The headsup on sport concussion is a concise introductory book on sport. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by contact to the head. To inform my audience on concussions in football central idea. Testosterone in the bleachers and win at all costs attitudes have no place in sport. In the case of concussions, however, this attitude is very dangerous. Each recording undergoes a series of speech feature extraction steps, and machine learning techniques are used to evaluate changes of these acoustic features compared to the baseline recording. Nfl considers rules to reduce concussion for ballcarriers. Recent headlines have brought shocking revelations about the mental decline of retired athletes who have suffered concussions during their careers. Concussions involve a blow to the head, and the nfl is taking steps to try and make the game safer. They occur to players of all ages and all levels of play.

Beware this talk will make you rethink your entire life and work life changer duration. Works cited concussions and brain damage in football. Maybe some pictures of broken windshield in car accident. Informative speech on concussions 729 words 3 pages. For my project 2 portfolio i plan on writing an informative essay on concussions in sports. My schools athletic trainer introduced me to nowinski and i was amazed with what i found. Outline and outline of nfl concussions 803 words 4 pages. The audience probably already knows that concussions are a serious part of football that can happen at any moment during a game. Click the image below to read the factors that create a negative concussion culture. But you might get some brain scan photos of those with a concussion, and have a doctor point out how he knows its a concussion. Concussions in football 1 effects of concussions in football concussions in football 2 football has become the most popular sport in america. Make a statement of a universally accepted concept, then go against conventional wisdom by contradicting the statement. Did you know that it only takes 50 gs of force to cause a. A concussion can cause physical, cognitive and emotional changes that affect concentration, sleep, coordination, attention, memory and.

According to, concussion rates for children under age 19 who play tackle football have doubled over the last decade, most occurring during practices. More specifically, as of now anyway, i plan on focusing my attention in on the measures that have been put in place at the professional level to keep players safe now, and in their futures. Please dont choose all of these, the speech is only 35 minutes. Concussions fascinate me, and christopher nowinski did his research when he wrote this amazing book. At its core, expository speaking is an informative speech. Nowinski writes about something he knows all too well, head concussions.

Quotable concussions various additional quotes from dennis dodds multipart series on concussions in college football. To inform the audience about concussions and how they are affecting the national football league nfl. This increase, along with better awareness and pressure from lawsuits and the media, led to research for better concussion diagnostic technology and rule changes in football. Students doing expository may cover topics ranging from an organization to a product, a process or concept. Informative speech laughter is the best medicine by. The key is to make sure that the hook is brief, wellrehearsed and pertinent to your topic.

Concussions in the nfl informative speech running head. Informative speaking is a speech that introduces to the audience a topic of the students choosing. All may seem well with the concussed athlete, but neglect could have devastating results. Concussions in the nfl joshua hammack missouri state university speech three. Concussions happen at all levels of sport, from the earliest levels through the professional ranks. Book details concussion damage in the nfl research shows that late nfl football player andre waters had brain damage. For the 20172018 football season, the nfl changed certain rules to make. After just 1 year actively wrestling for the wwe nowinski was forced into early retirement due to post concussion syndrome. Potentially catastrophic if not detected early, concussions have ended the careers of many notable professional playersand its estimated that in high school football alone, about 1 in 5 players suffers a concussion. In this project, we developed an ipadbased reading test that captures the speech responses of youth athletes to assess the likelihood of a concussion. The topic isnt uplifting, and the biggest audience for sports books people who are. Both teens and adults admire professional athletes for their strength and willingness to fight through injuries. Studies have found high rates of concussions, traumatic brain injuries, and a serious brain disorder called chronic traumatic encephalopathy cte in former players. Recently, concussions increased in contact sports, specifically football breslow, what weve learned from two years of tracking concussions.